Tuesday, August 10, 2010

My first blog

This is something I have been thinking about doing for a long time now.  Not that I have any preconceived ideas that what I write here will some how change the world...

I am a registered nurse.  More specifically I am a Cardiac Nurse.  It is fascinating work and generally very satisfying.  Let me clear up one point about doctors; they are not Gods.  They may tell you they are, but it is only in their own minds that this misguided title exists.  I spend a great part of my shift calling doctors to discuss things they missed or ordered incorrectly.  Yes they are busy and yes they have numerous patients, but most doctors rarely acknowledge how many times their butts have been saved by a nurse.  And they would never admit how much more difficult they make life for the nurse.

One day in particular I remember being in a patient's room with the doctor.  He was discussing treatment plans and his idea of what was causing the patient's current symptoms.  He motions me out of the room and tells me he is going to start the patient on a specific antibiotic  all the time whispering so that the patient wouldn't hear him.  He did not want to take the time to tell the patient so he was prescribing this medication without their knowledge and leaving it up to me to provide information on what the drug was, it's purpose, and it's side effects.

Doctors do not like to talk to patients.  They will get together and discuss how nurses give the patient too much information or wrong information but they leave the patient with numerous questions and no one, but the nurse to ask.

It is all about time.  Too many patients and too little time.

Enough for now,

1 comment:

  1. Tridil, Thanks for following A Camp Host Housewife's Meanderings. I like what you have to say here about doctors not being gods. Just as I suspected!
